๐Ÿท๏ธWhitelist Ticket

Collection: - starcadiawax ; Schema: - memberships ; Template: #514912

Tickets are on sale. the first 10 buyers, from the atomichub list, the 10 best players of starcadia will receive a free ticket. non transferable, non burnable

no double ticket for duplicates .

To buy a ticket, you will have to contact starcadia ( DM ) Discord, to burn the asset and receive the place in the white list

250 places + 20 are to be taken.

For private sale, with promotional prices on hangars and station in preview


The Heavy Fighter 01-F is a Free Premium Spacecraft for Whitelisted players only

๐Ÿ›๏ธMarkets NFTs๐Ÿ’ฐSTAR / WAX Swap๐Ÿ”—Links

Last updated