RoadMAP 2023 :
T1 - 2023 "Finalization V1"
Plot drop giveaway NFTs, Other Games (ads) Deployment of Quantiflux, dedicated staking open a maximum of LP pool Token STAR/* Creation of Mint Hangars Limited 6 Hours Add ores and ingots for Quantomagnets Blend. Add Basic Minerals Template to freights missions Add a Super Hornet 01 -F and its acquisition system
T2 - 2023 "Website redesign"
Add Mother ships and other Templates New Website React Add Wallet Wombat
T3 -2023 "Improvement of contracts"
News Games Modes Add news actions in contracts
โ First deploiement Roadmap โ
Q1 - 2022 "Idea"
โ Idea and game concept discovery. โ Analysis of the first game contracts. โ Design of the first environments and sketches. โ Exploration of the EOS environment.
Q2 - 2022 "MVP"
โ Deployment of the STAR Token. โ Deployment of the domain ยฉ Starcadia.io . โ Premint of the first uncommon assets. โ Opening of presales, airdrops and giveaways. โ Deployment of the first game contracts, minting and recipes. โ Getting whitelisted on Atomichub and other exchanges โ Added higher difficulty levels and rewards. 1-0 & 1-1
Q3 - 2022 "Alpha"
โ Sales of bundle. โ New Bounties, airdrops & rewards. โ Awards top ranking of different sections. โ New Bounties, airdrops & rewards โ Apogee of the evolution of the first level. โ Improvement of the graphic assets of games, in superior rarity.
Q4 - 2022 "Beta"
โ Unlocking Yin Alpha 01-F (Free) For all โ Add a Heavy Fighter (Free-Limited) x1/WL only โ Add all the qualities of hangars โ New lots of Bounties to buy and sell โ Optimization of the site's ergonomics โ Collaboration New project โ Addition of new Blends โ Creating the FRET ship model and its different qualities
2023 "Beta"
Addition of New NFT dedicated to blends and others Creation of a new game mode. Creation of new space stations and mother ships. New Bounties, airdrops & rewards. Launch of a third level. ( New Real Boss )
The adventure keeps going... Cooperative game with 2 players. Launch of the PVP games.
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Last updated